The service_ops form

The service_ops form allows manipulation of SRV records in the DNS.

The naming and content of SRV records are described in RFC 2782 (see also section 5 of RFC 6335 for clarifications about service names). Note in particular that unlike other objects in the IP registration database, the first two components of an SRV record name should begin with an underline, representing the service and protocol.

The form can be used to create, rename or destroy service objects which define the particular service, and to add, modify or remove individual SRV records to it. SRV records are indexed by their targets, which can be a box, vbox or aname. Note that a restriction is imposed that each target name occurs only once (although this is more restrictive than RFC 2782 allows, it is not expected to be a problem in practice).

Client systems are meant to try targets in order of increasing priority, and within ones with equal priority randomised according to their weight. (For exact detail, see RFC 2782.) Each SRV records also specifies an explicit (TCP or UDP) port number on the target. These three fields are all integers in the range 0 to 65535 inclusive. The form optionally allows remarks to be spcified for each SRV record (these do not appear in the DNS).

The target boxes, vboxes or anames cannot be rescinded while any SRV record in the database still refers to them. Also all SRV records need to be removed before the service object itself can be destroyed.